The speaker also said that something that will hinder us in our growth is "familiarity". His example was that he used to write things down while reading his Bible, but that it got so routine, he didn't even realize that he was doing it. Time for a change! It was a small one, but apparently, that's all you need. He began to write type things out instead of writing it out in a journal, and it's been great for him! So here is me...making a change.
Today I read about my flaws and how I am flawed so that God may be shown through them. 2 Corinthians 12:9 - MY strength is made perfect in weakness, or John 9:1-3, he was blind so that God may show what HE'S made of. Of course! Sounds easy enough. Until the questions started rolling around.
What are your flaws? Easily answered.
What are your strengths? Easily answered.
How has God used your limitations for good? Unanswered.
Who is your favorite Biblical hero and what was it that they did? I chose Abigail. She was so brave and humbled and I couldn't possibly imagine doing all of the acts that she did. 1 Samuel 25.
The next question hit me. What were her flaws and how did God use them for the better? I couldn't remember any of her flaws, so I went and read that story again. Here are the only personality traits that were written. "She was intelligent and beautiful." "She got right to work and lost no time." "She fell on her face before her king and served him." She's smart, beautiful, hard working, humble...the list goes on and not one flaw was listed.
I know that God has a plan for me, but sometimes it gets altered by this chaotic world of "perfection" that I just can't see it. I'm glad that God hasn't revealed to me what He wants for my life because then it allows for me to wait on Him, but sometimes I just wish that I knew why I have these limitations. Some part of me is rather excited knowing that God made me only like me and no one else. I have these flaws, but they are my flaws and God is going to use those for His perfect plan. However, often I let my flesh get in the way and skew my thoughts from being excited to being frustrated that I am the way that I am.
I just need to remember. God is not limited by my limitations. It is He who gave them to me and His power and strength will be made perfect through them.
Praise the Lord that He has me in His hand and that I am not in control!
Trying to step out of the way and allow God to use my weaknesses for good. John 9:3
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